Bornstead Family Photo

Welcome to The Bornstead!

Bornstead Family PhotoWe are a homeschooling, homesteading, BIG family, learning to live a simple and meaningful life to the fullest!  We want to share what we’ve learned so far as well as what we continue to learn with others as we go on this journey of life that God has laid out for us.  During this next year, we will be focusing on sharing our experiences through several blog posts and videos each week.  Our hope is that we can encourage, inspire, and learn from others in the process! 

Welcome to our family!  We are Patrick and Debbi and we have 8 beautiful children.  They range from in age from 13yrs old down to 7 months, with two sets os twins!  Yes, TWO! We live on a small homestead in central Virginia, where we raise our own food.  You can often find cows, goats, chickens, turkeys, ducks and a big garden here as we strive to produce as much of our own food as possible.  We homeschool our children and love being able to learn new things as a family and share in adventures with them.  We also live a fairly minimalistic/simple lifestyle.  We are trying to eliminate the things that distract us from living a meaningful life and focus on what really counts!  In doing this, we have become avid DIYers.  We cook from scratch, roast our own coffee, build some of our own furniture and decor and are always trying new things out on the homestead.  We’re so excited to share with you!

If you want to keep up with what we’re doing, be sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, or here on our website.  It’s going to be a great year! 

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